Pieces 1982 puzzle
Pieces 1982 puzzle

pieces 1982 puzzle

Holden, they come up with the theory that the killer is on the school’s teaching staff. Kendall wants to be a cop - and why not, the real cops just let college students follow them as they chase murderers - and together with Lt. Mary then has a nervous breakdown which is, for some, the most memorable part of Pieces. Bad idea - the killer steals the girl’s legs.

pieces 1982 puzzle

Before calling the cops, they decide to turn the music down. The volume of this music drives people completely insane! Mary and Kendall discover the body, as well as the fact that Willard has been released. One of Mary’s tennis students is then sawed in half while loud music blares on the school’s loudspeakers. He also stabs a reporter who is nebbing about - all before the cops arrive on the scene. The killer then decimates a girl who just finished her dance routine - dance and aerobics are also vital points of this film - and saws her arms off. Why tennis figures so prominently in Pieces is one of the many mysteries of this film. They had to hire a tennis coach for the production as a result.

#Pieces 1982 puzzle how to

And according to director Juan Piquer Simón, none of the women in the movie knew how to play tennis, despite the fact that they are playing professionals in this movie. How the killer is attracted to tennis is never explained. They also bring in an undercover cop named Mary Riggs (Lynda Day George, TV’s Mission: Impossible, Mortuary), who will be acting as a tennis instructor to try and catch the killer. Hennings (Gérard Tichy, Hatchet for the Honeymoon) meets with Kendall to get a profile of the murderer. Willard is arrested and the detectives find the chainsaw and the girl’s body…except for her torso (no, not 1973’s Torso). The killer reads the note first and chainsaws the girl to, well, pieces. Then, in the library, Kendall gets a note from a girl, telling him to come see her at the pool.

pieces 1982 puzzle

Rounding out our suspects would be Willard (Paul Smith, Bluto from Altman’s Popeye, one of the first movies that I remember hating as a child), a groundskeeper who is using a chainsaw. Holden (Frank Braña, Yellow Hair and the Fortress of Gold, If You Shoot…You Live, God Forgives…I Don’t!) start their investigation, meeting the dean (Edmund Purdom, Absurd, 2019: After the Fall of New York) and anatomy Professor Brown (Jack Taylor, Horror of the Zombies, Conan the Barbarian). Bracken (Christopher George, Day of the Animals, City of the Living Dead) and Sgt. Yes, Pieces packs more gore and strangeness into sixty records than most movies do in ninety minutes.Ĭut to (no pun intended) a girl studying outside, who gets her head chopped off by a chainsaw and stolen. This all happens within the first minute of this movie. He hides in a closet and the police send him to live with his aunt, as they believe whoever killed his mother had escaped. Instead, he came back with an axe to her head and then cut her up with a hacksaw. His mother, understandably, is upset and demands he get a garbage bag to throw the puzzle away. But more importantly, it is never ever boring.īack in 1942, a young boy named Timmy was putting together a jigsaw puzzle of a naked woman. It is at the same time the best and worst film you’ve ever watched. When the general public thinks of a slasher film with no redeeming value whatsoever, chances are they’re thinking about this movie.

Pieces 1982 puzzle